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I started writing, a historical with me as the heroine, of course, when I was nine-years old. Since there were no computers in those days, all I got out of the exercise was twenty hand-written pages and a blister on my middle finger. It would be another thirty years before I took another shot at a story. 

Hail the invention of Microsoft WORD! Still, even with modern technology, it took a few unfortunate months of unasked for unemployment (alliteration, anyone) before I returned to something that I had loved doing since kid-hood. 

I love to write stories that have a humorous slant although occasionally I write something serious.  I love not-so-perfect heroes, quirky heroines and secondary characters that you would like to disown if they are relatives but unfortunately are stuck with.  Whether romantic comedy or something more serious, I hope all my stories bring a bit of LIFE, LOVE, and LAUGHTER into your life.

I live in New York City, a city rich in history, weird residents and fantastic neighborhoods, a treasure trove to draw upon when writing.

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